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Social Networking Sites


I have chosen Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and LinkedIn for my comparison.

Today we cannot live without at least one social media account. Social media accounts help us connect, communicate, receive the latest news, and even look for new jobs.

Unlike other social media platforms, LinkedIn is designed for professional connections between individuals and companies. LinkedIn is specifically designed to connect people with on their professional career and expand their network in their filed. Hiring recruiters can reach individuals with base on their profile description. LinkedIn does not have features like sharing photos or videos and it only allows people on share written articles. LinkedIn is professional social media account focused on recruitment and career networking. Many employers require social media accounts like LinkedIn upon accepting hiring applications.

Facebook is mainly focused on connecting people throughout the world and help people make new friends. People can add personal photos, videos, locations, favorite topics and share posts, on their profile make it visible to their followers or any Facebook user. In recent years Facebook has expanded its platforms and has added many new features. Now people can buy/sell product on Facebook market, rent an apt or even purchase car. Facebook can also be used to campaign and discuss political matters and gather supporters. Unlike LinkedIn, Facebook allows the user to set up a privacy setting and share their information only with their friend’s list or anyone on the platform.

Twitter is mainly focused on limited character messaging and link sharing posts ad engaging in deep conversation with other users and retweeting. Twitter is very limited for sharing photos and videos and is not suitable for professional networking. Twitter users mainly post opinion-based messages based on the topics of the day and engage in a conversation with other users. Twitter is the most politically driven social media, and many politicians use the platform to send their message to their supporters and to send political messages to their opponent.

YouTube is a video sharing social media app and in recent years has become one the greatest video making platforms for people. YouTube allows users to see videos base on their area of interest. Unlike Twitter or Facebook users do not comment to each other much and do not engage in a long and fundamental discussion in the comment section.  In recent years YouTube started to provide incentives to video creators and (Youtubers ) which encouraged people in all backgrounds and professional fields to start creating and sharing videos on YouTube and make a career out of it. Today YouTubers create a large variety of videos which has made YouTube the most educational social media platform between all social media platforms.


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