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Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds are online base gaming, social or professional communities that are designed for users so can connect with others. These online communities are a custom-built, simulations that allows users to interact via text, voice, or video in real time. In the other words, a virtual world is an environment that allows fantasies, dreams, and imaginations to come true and help people improve their lives. Virtual worlds are not only for gaming or social activities and it can be used for educational and health care purposes. According to the article, After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? “First we need to look at them critically to figure out what kinds of advances they can offer us. You can use virtual worlds in education, in delivery services, or as an advanced form of telehealth care that offers so much more than videoconferencing. Virtual worlds can give us social connectivity, built-in support groups, and ways to avoid ever being alone again.”[1]

An advantage of a virtual world is that it encourages people to become creative and think satirically which can help them improve their skills in the real world.  Not all virtual worlds are created for entertainment. In fact, some virtual worlds are created for educational purposes. For example, surgeons who are trained to perform surgery with robots, spend lot of times in virtual reality simulators. Another advantage is that a virtual world allows imaginations to run wild, where you can play as your favorite hero with special abilities. For example, Minecraft game allows kids to become creative in a simulated LEGO game. According to the article After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? “Minecraft is a virtual world. Its digital LEGOs if you will, but it’s a space for kids to exercise their imagination and to connect with others to also want to build and create things. And it’s the biggest phenomenon today. “Virtual worlds” may end up needing another name, but Minecraft is a game-changer.”[2]

A disadvantage of a virtual world is that a training simulation cannot fully imitate a real-world environment where there are more consequences and scenarios. It also can make users emotionally attached to the virtual world and discounted them from the real world. If the virtual world is used for gaming or entertainment purposes it can become addicting and time consuming to the point where it becomes potentially harmful to their health. According to the article Going to the virtual office in Second Life “Virtual worlds such as Second Life are targeting the business market to present an innovative way of bringing employees together for meets and conferences remotely.[3] Another disadvantage of virtual worlds used as platforms for conferences is that virtual teams becomes passive and less engaged in conversations than if they were in a real workplace environment.

In the time of Covid-19 and social distancing, virtual worlds and online platforms are inevitable. Although I do not like virtual interactions and prefer in person interactions and real world, I believe virtual worlds will become ever more present in our lives within the near future and this pandemic has certainly accelerated it.


[1] Mehta, D. (2013, May 01). After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? Retrieved October 12, 2020, from 

[2] Mehta, D. (2013, May 01). After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot? Retrieved October 12, 2020, from

[3] Tutton, M. (2009, November 09). Going to the virtual office in Second Life. Retrieved October 12, 2020, from


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