Old media (digital or non-digital) was the medium to transfer information from writer/creator to the audience and it was a one-way communication from the creator to the audience. As the technologies advanced and new digital devices was introduced to consumers, it provided an opportunity for both creators and audiences of the new media to become creative and their ability to try new things that was not possible before. Digital technology provided the opportunity to people to use their electronic devices not only as a medium but also a content generating medium to create expression and new design language. With the use of Video editing, music editing and photo editing programs on computers and smart phones, even amateur users can create high quality and creative content to express their school of thought easily and conveniently.
On example which shows the contributions
of new media to creativity is in the Electronic Dance Music. In this style of music,
DJs or music producers don’t use actual music instruments to create content,
instead they compose their music using digital programs that acts as instrument
and it allows the DJ to add additional sound tracks to the music or crate a
mash-up of two different styles of music. According to the article “The new
math of Mashups” “Frontin’ on Debra” is an example of a “mashup,” in which,
generally, the vocal from one song is laid over the music from another.” [1]
This new style of music and level of creativity is only possible because of the
new digital mediums. Another example are the apps for smart phones. Today there
are many digital apps that allows user to instantly edit and convert a video or
a photo to something new using effects, backgrounds, and light options. I have created
a posted a VHS style video of the Grand Canyon National Park on my Blog that I have
recorded with my iPhones camera and converted it to an old fashion VHS style video.
The advancement in technology and
especially digital technologies have enabled people to create content and
express their ideas like never. Thanks to computers and smart phones even the most
amateur users can enhance their creativity by being able to access to many users
generated content worldwide. The new media allow for inner imagination to be
realized through the tools it provides to generate the content.
[1] Frere-Jones, S. (2005, January 3). 1 + 1 + 1 = 1 The
new math of mashups. Retrieved October 24, 2020, from
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