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The integration of Artificial Intelligence in Social Media platforms and its effects on privacy


I chose to do my project on The integration of Artificial Intelligence in Social Media platforms and its effects on privacy because we live in the digital era and people around the world use their electronic devises to connect and communicate with other people via chat, voice calls or video calls and that creates the opportunity or companies or governments to collect users data without their consent. This issue has become more evident since the beginning of Covid-19 pandemic and the following lockdown of all offices and schools since the use of the internet has become inevitable. I intend to cover both positive and negative aspects of our online lives and believe it is important to point out that the internet has changed our lives and enabled many of us to work and attend school from the safety of our homes during this pandemic, however, it also has changed some people’s live and ruined their carriers in do to privacy issues and lose of private information online. Most people today use professional social networking platforms like LinkedIn to level up their carrier path or use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to share photos, thoughts, videos and connect to people anywhere on earth or even space! In my opinion this is a great opportunity and something that has never existed in human history but that comes that a price of our privacy. I intend to focus on AI and facial recognition technologies since this is the newest way for private companies and governments to collect people’s data and information using supercomputers and without the need of a large human workforce and enable companies to collect our entire private and no private data and effectively creating a profile for every person on earth with their entire data collected in one file. I believe this is concerning and is something that has be addressed and regulated. This is a brief summary of my project and I would like to get into great detail and discuss this topic throughout this semester.  


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