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Blog Social Networking


Social networking is the use of Internet-based social media sites to stay connected with friends, family, colleagues, customers, or clients. Social networking can have a social purpose, a business purpose, or both, through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram, among others. Almost all companies use social networking websites and apps like LinkedIn to recruit people. According to social networking technology boosts job recruiting article” Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting”.[1] It is important for both induvial people and companies to understand the importance of social networking in the job market. Another way of using social networking is a company may use social networking to demonstrate its customer service level and enrich its relationships with consumers. For example, if a customer complains about a product or service on Twitter, the company may address the issue immediately, apologize, and take action to make it right. On the other hand, one of the most common dark sides of the social networking is the dis-connation from the real world. Many teenagers these days have several social media accounts and hundreds of followers, however, there ability to socialize in the real world, talk and make friends have been almost vanished. The consequences of many technological innovations, intentional and unintentional, are usually not dichotomous, but simultaneously have both bright and dark sides. Unfortunately, now we began to understand the dangerous effects of social networking on people specially the teen. According to the Anti-Social Networking article, “Children used to actually talk to their friends. Those hours spent on the family princess phone or hanging out with pals in the neighborhood after school vanished long ago. But now, even chatting on cellphones or via e-mail (through which you can at least converse in paragraphs) is passé. For today’s teenagers and preteens, the give and take of friendship seems to be conducted increasingly in the abbreviated snatches of cellphone texts and instant messages, or through the very public forum of Facebook walls and MySpace bulletins.”[2] . Another aspect of social networking that can have a positive and negative side is Sharing. This aspect of a social media platform concerns the extent to which consumers exchange, distribute, and receive content. Once users can easily share content, a fundamental risk is that the shared content can be inappropriate and undesirable or that it can be shared without permission from the holder of any intellectual property rights associated with the content. It is always said that once something is shared on the internet, it will stay on the internet for ever and this brings the optional danger of breach of privacy. This can affect both professional and personal life of an induvial. The last dark side of social networking sites are the employers monitoring of employees and potential recruits. Employers monitor their employees' activities on social media, disgruntled employees cause damage to employers' public reputation when they rant about their experiences, co-workers bully each other, and misinformation and aggressive social engagement cause work-tension. Enterprise social media platforms like Microsoft's Yammer, Salesforce's Chatter, are deployed specifically to connect colleagues. However, despite the many knowledge management advantages these tools offer, they are not immune to these interpersonal ills either. 



1.      Langfitt, F. (2006, November 22). Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting. Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

2.      Stout, H. (2010, April 30). Antisocial Networking? Retrieved September 29, 2020, from

[1] . (Langfitt, 2006)

[2] . (Stout, 2010)


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